The role of Subscription billing when new segments adapt to subscription based models and economies, education and training being one amongst them.

TheThe platforms have virtually transformed the Content delviery industries witnessing escalating growth trends with steady stream of subscribers and subscriber bases dotting the different recurrent revenue management landscapes over the past few years with particular reference to training segment.

The The proliferation of the digital technology and the era of digitalization has virtually transformed the day to day life and conduct with almost all the walks of life enfolded by digital means and modes. Online training and education is one of the facets that has carved itself to be an important constituent of the digital revolution and environs. Training institutes have been growingly adapting to the online mode of imparting education with online classrooms and training modules dotting the various training schemes.

The advent of information technology based companies selling software as a service on subscription basis has eliminated the cons of installing, configuring, adapting and incurring on opex and capex and also dealing with capex & opex related issues. Here forth companies have realised the potentials of the subscription models of business conduct with little or no capex and opex expenses involved with better and more revenues being generated,not to mention many value additions that follow.

Similarly the education and the training sectors have begun to leverage the benefits of the subscription models and have been offering training programs and online schemes bundled on subscription basis making viable, value for money offerings and accessibility seamless and easy by catering to customers need specific demands and necessities.